lørdag 22. juni 2013

A very blue New Zeland June tune

New Zealand June
should be the name of a tune.
For a New Zealand June
is quite cold and full of gloom.

For, while the grass may be green,
the skies, they are grey,
And, while the mountains are white,
the fingers, they are blue.
Oh a New Zealand June!

There are raindrops on the window,
but alas, they're on the inside.
There's a wind-gust from the door...
or is it coming from the floor?
Oh a New Zealand June!

So, let us sing a little song,
through a winter that is long.
It might help to keep us warm,
or at least, it does no harm
in a New Zealand June.

fredag 7. juni 2013

One month in...

A student's desk

One month out of twelve has already flown by. What have I done? By the looks of it, readings.